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- G4C
- ; This is a LOCK for your amiga.
- ; All it does is to put up a full screen borderless window, which will
- ; not close untill you give the correct pass code.
- WINBIG 0 0 0 0 "" ; a window at 0,0, screen wide & high
- WinType 000010 ; borderless window, with no gadgets
- WinBackground SOLID 3 0
- CTEXT 200 220 "Authorised Personel Only" times.font 24 2 3 0001
- lk_var = "" ; We clear the code variable
- lk_flag = 0
- GuiOpen dir.lock ; and open the gui upon loading.
- xOnOpen
- setgad dir.lock 1 ON
- delvar lk_#? ; On quitting we delete the variables
- ; We declare the following xONKEY events, so that we disable the standard
- ; window shortcuts (with which the lock could be bypassed).
- xONKEY #3 ; Control C - Close window
- xONKEY #2 ; Control B - Window to back
- xONKEY #5 ; Control E - Edit window
- xONKEY #10 ; Control J - Jump screen
- xONKEY #18 ; Control R - Reload
- xONKEY #14 ; Control N - Next Window
- xONKEY #17 ; Control Q - Quit Window
- xONKEY #23 ; Control W - Window size adjustment
- xONKEY #26 ; Control Z - Zoom Window
- xONKEY #19 ; Control S - Status
- xONInactive
- guiwindow dir.lock FRONT
- guiscreen dir.lock FRONT
- Text 200 60 240 14 "Input pass code wanted:" 100 NOBOX
- gadid 2
- xTextIn 200 75 240 18 "" lk_var "" 100
- gadid 1
- if $lk_flag = 0 ; First time - get pass code
- lk_flag = 1
- lk_code = $lk_var
- update dir.lock 2 "Input correct pass code:"
- update dir.lock 1 ""
- setgad dir.lock 1 ON
- else
- if $lk_var = $lk_code ; quit if correct.
- GUIQUIT dir.lock
- else
- update dir.lock 2 "Wrong Code !!"
- lk_var = "" ; Clear the variable for an other try.
- update dir.lock 1 ""
- setgad dir.lock 1 ON
- endif
- endif